I should put up a category named "Oh No, Not Us! We're not a Monopoly!" and put nothing but Microsoft news in there ...
There's not gonna be any links in this post cause frankly, I don't wanna advertise for these bozos.
I went online today to download my credit card statements, like I've done monthly for the past, oh, six or seven years. American Express, Mastercard and MBNA have all changed their formats for downloading so that no version of Microsoft Money prior to the current version will work. MasterCard even admitted to accepting "advice" from Microsoft on this!
I use Money Personal and Business 99. I hate it - but Quicken isn't any better, and in fact can be more frustrating. I know, I've tried. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna go out and flip down a hundred bucks for an upgrade that I don't want, just because M$ has decided that I "need" it.
I'll guess I'll go back to spreadsheets or CSV's and write my own import function. Screw them.
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