Tue, 08 Jun 2010

Apple developers, you're living on the edge

I would rephrase this to say "Apple Mobile Developers", but other than that it's pretty accurate. I never dreamed when I very publicly endorsed Apple as "for developers" in 2002 that things would go this route. I'm not ready to pull that endorsement - yet. Mac developers (such as me) can still use our choice of tools, and don't have to sign any obnoxious developer agreements if we don't want to. If Apple tries that with the Mac line, well, I'd be gone in a Flash. Pun intended.

Jobs' message to developers this week might have sounded simple on stage: three easy rules to follow, 95 percent approval rate, and cash money just rolling into your pockets. Frankly, I can't believe any developer still believes any of those lines, and after the events of this week, everyone ought to be reading between them. You may think the App Store is a gold mine, but it sounds like one hell of a dangerous mine.

(link) [CNET]

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