Mon, 26 Jan 2004

That Gibberish in Your In-Box May Be Good News

Ya gotta love surrealist spammers ... here's one I got this morning, minus only the single JPG image with the Viagra ad.

amperage samuelson arturo bethlehem shingle cauchy delete failure quarry eire committed billiard gila bimetallism zoroaster fiery sheik berth isotope mobcap synchrony kyoto bernini bestseller pursuant chinquapin antoinette assure fast crept smyrna valet confront bayonne damask argumentative corbett chemise
sunspot angst conveyor autocollimate gone casteth millionaire canton isle rand lubbock sweeten burnout bema skyrocket smudgy dragon bichromate harding

The sheer volume of spam may not have diminished in your in-box. But advanced filtering software is having an effect.

(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

/Technology | 2 writebacks | permanent link

Jan Egil Kristiansen wrote

Good filters = good spam

Dave H wrote



Notes: If you put a <mailto:> link in the URL field your address will not be mangled: this could be a bad idea as your email address could be easily harvested by bots designed for SPAM. The comments field should now format correctly for line feeds and carriage returns: when you hit the 'Enter' or 'Return' keys in your comment it should break to a new line. The text should wrap cleanly. Please let me know if it doesn't. No HTML tags will pass through - entering links seems to be the main cause of comment SPAM. Also, please be sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser before attempting to post a writeback. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this really helps cut down on the amount of comment SPAM I have to deal with.
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