Fri, 22 Jun 2007

Second Life Without Sex Would Be a Sad Life, Indeed

There are some things that are so "out there" as to be uncategorizable.This is one of them. I was originally going to post this in 'Humor' with the tag line "Personally, I prefer sex in my First Life".... but then I actually read the article. And realized that some people, players and company alike, have a difficult time distinguishing fantasy from reality, the virtual from the real. And that's way too sad for comedy.

So into the tech section it goes, but chalk it up as a sad commentary on the modern world - and hope it's not our epitaph.

One of the great joys of a virtual world like Second Life is the ability to indulge in fantasy limited only by your own patience and skill with the tools. But there's nothing virtual about the anxiety felt by Second Life residents after Linden Labs "clarifies" its policies on Mature content.

(link) [Wired Top Stories]

/Technology | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 6/22/2007 14:54:35
Lauren Crow wrote


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