Tue, 12 Aug 2008

Apple Sells 60 Million IPhone Apps, Jobs Confirms Kill Switch

Interesting: people applauded when M$ put the kill bits in ActiveX controls, and now they're slamming Jobs and Apple for doing the same thing with the iPhone. Why could that be?

Perhaps it's because they knew M$ had to do it for security reasons, while the motives of Steve & Co. are more suspect and related to total control. And as much as I'm an Apple fan, I have to admit that this line of reasoning is probably correct - and it makes me all the more leery of ever getting an iPhone.

Steve Jobs tell the Wall Street Journal that there were 60 million downloads from the iPhone app store in the first month for a total of $30 million. Jobs also confirmed the remote kill switch. "Hopefully we never have to pull that lever, but we would be irresponsible not to have a lever like that to pull."

(link) [Wired: Top Stories]

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