A Campaign to Block Firefox Users?

Well, hrumpf! Simple solution: I use Firefox, and if I run into a page that blocks me, I don't see the page. Which is usually OK, as a site that's inconsiderate enough to do that is not somebody I'd want to do business with anyway. And I'll let them know it.

Kinda reminds me of a situation in the 80's, when I was repairing mailing machines for a living. The company car was a Toyota, and the UAW, which was a customer, had a large sign in their parking lot saying "Park Your Japanese Car in Tokyo". And when they called for service, I gleefully obliged, calling in the run as a refusal, as Tokyo was a bit far to walk to the call. After about 5 days of not getting any mail out, the sign mysteriously disappeared, and they placed another service call. Imagine that.

A website is aiming at blocking Firefox users. This because a fraction of the Firefox users installed an Ad Blocker and are therefor 'stealing money' from website owners that use ads. They recommend using IE, Opera or IE tab. From the site: 'Demographics have shown that not only are FireFox users a somewhat small percentage of the internet, they actually are even smaller in terms of online spending, therefore blocking FireFox seems to have only minimal financial drawbacks, whereas ending resource theft has tremendous financial rewards for honest, hard-working website owners and developers.' Be interesting to see where they are getting their numbers from.

(link) [Slashdot]

09:28 /Technology | 1 comment | permanent link