This is going on right here, in Boone County, Indiana in 2008. Maybe I should subtitle this "How Zoning Boards and Cranky Neighbors Control Your Gas Bill" - even without the neighbors look at the hassle these poor folks went through, and the permits they were required to buy, just to put up a wind turbine.
This is why I can't put up a wind turbine: even if I could afford the machine and the building costs, I couldn't afford the lawyers, licenses, fees and permits required to build it on my property.
Whatever we once had in this country resembling a free market has been truly "skewered through and through with office-pens, and bound hand and foot with red tape".
Lebanon - A lawsuit between two Lebanon neighbors is being watched carefully by people in the wind turbine industry. The outcome could effect future commercial and residential development of wind turbines in Boone County and central Indiana.
Dickens quote from David Copperfield
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