Mon, 20 Nov 2006

Daniels appears headed to 2nd term

What in the world is Russ Pulliam smoking? Has the Indianapolis Star columnist lost touch with reality?

Daniels has the 4th lowest approval rating among all governors, bottoming out last April at 64% negative right after DST went into effect here for the first time in 40 years. And I don't think anyone could characterize this last election as a Republican victory in Indiana!

Even in Boone County, where I live, the beating red heart of one of the reddest states in the nation, you see far more Not MY Man bumper stickers in the parking lots at the local supermarkets than you do one's proclaiming that the guv is "My Man Mitch"....

The way it looks right now, the Democrats could nominate a ticket of Hitler and Stalin in 2008 to run against Daniels and Jesus Christ and still win in a landslide.

I guess that this just goes to prove if you're looking for honest political analysis, you need not bother reading the Indianapolis Star. They've certainly got an agenda, though I daresay no one will accuse them of being a member of the "liberal mainstream media" anytime in the near future.

He's not tall enough to play Goliath in real life, but Gov. Mitch Daniels is looking like a giant for any Democrat to challenge in 2008.

(link) [Indianapolis Star]

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