Mon, 27 Jun 2005

The New Fragility of Marriage, for Better or for Worse

According to this researcher, gays aren't threatening the institution: love is. And she makes a good point:

Until the late 18th century, most societies around the world saw marriage as far too vital an economic and political institution to be left entirely to the free choice of the two individuals involved, especially if they were going to base their decision on something as unreasoning and transitory as love. The more I learned about the ancient history of marriage, the more I realized what a gigantic marital revolution had occurred in Western Europe and North America during the Enlightenment.

Well written and well reasoned - read it and learn!

Studying marriage over the last several years has been a lot like adjusting to marriage itself. No matter how well you think you know your partner beforehand, the first years are full of surprises, not only about your spouse but also about yourself.

(link) [The Chronicle of Higher Education]

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