My friend Thud has a post up this morning describing robocalls he and his father have been receiving in Virginia, and rightly noting that in his case it's a complete waste of money and effort.
I can top that.
Being now registered voters, my wife and I have received several mailers from Obama this year, outlining his programs and encouraging us to vote for him. So far, we haven't gotten anything from the Republicans. However, Harold Dohoney, at this address, has so far received four Republican solicitations.
Somehow, I don't think Mr. Dohoney is gonna make it to the polls this year, even with early voting. I bought the farm out of his estate. "Honk" died in December of 2001.
The parties get these names off the voter rolls, don't they? So why hasn't Obama been mailing Honk his tat, too? Methinks the Republicans are truly living in the past, and probably haven't updated their mailing lists since at least 2002, as that's the purging cycle in Indiana.
/Politics | 3 writebacks | permanent link
On 11/3/2008 08:47:41
Eric Schwenke wrote
Max and Maxine Headroom for the GOP
On 11/3/2008 13:42:01
(: Tom :) wrote
Maybe it's not so crazy after all...
On 11/4/2008 06:53:31
Thud wrote