Squabbling Illini

Ya know, I think I oughta show up outside the Metrodome in Minnespolis for the next Vkings home game carrying protest signs about the teams name and "mascots"... you have no idea how insulting horned helmets and the "big blond" stereotypes are to us European-Americans trying to reclaim our culture!

It's just horrible! Why, watching the NFL people would think that the Vikings were all just testoterone driven raiders bent on pillage and mayhem, rather than gentle traders ...

If my tongue gets any further into my cheek I'm gonna have another hole in my head.... these "activists" need to lighten up, before they die of an overdose of political correctness.

The Squabbling Illini: Rallying Cries Lead to Rift. The debate over mascots with Indian themes is not new, but the case of Chief Illiniwek at the University of Illinois is unique. By Mike Wise. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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