Man gets the poop on outsourcing
This was in the 'Offbeat' section of the wire services - and I suppose that means they think it's humorous. I fail to find it funny when a man with a math degree is scooping dog-doo. It's uplifting to find some one who makes lemonade out of the lemon's that life handed him, but it's also rather sad for our nation.
He's apparently doing quite well, and enjoys being outdoors. I really love my farm, too. But that's not the point - the point is we were both forced into our current situation by market distortions induced by misguided government policies. I would've made the transition to farming eventually anyway, but I rather doubt that Mr. Relles had being a poop collector in mind before his job went overseas.
And this should serve as an example to those who favor unrestricted immigration, too. They claim over and over that Americans are lazy and snotty, and that we won't do dirty and menial work, so they must import "guest workers" from south of the border.
And that's just so much dog shit.
Computer programmer Steve Relles has the poop on what to do when your job is outsourced to India.
Relles, one of a rising number of Americans seeking new opportunities as their work shifts to countries with cheaper labor, has spent the past year making his living scooping up dog droppings as the "Delmar Dog Butler."
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