
Lots of folks, Left and Right, are making a major fuss over this deal, but few seem to see "behind the scenes", as it were, to the real issues involved.

First, this deal is not the buyout of one corporate giant by another. It's the sale of a corporate giant to a foreign government.

Secondly, how many are aware of the fact that the current Presidential nominee (nominated January 17th, 2006) to be the US Maritime Administrator, reporting directly to the Secretary of Transportation, is a former DP World executive?

In the humble opinion of this blogger, this deal stinks - not because of threats to the national security (although those concerns may be very real) but because of the questions about backroom dealing (raised by this nomination and other Administration dealings with the UAE) to get the Bush Administration to go along with it in the first place.

I would love to find out how much has been contributed to Republican campaigns by this "company" and it's executives or other proxies.

President Bush is facing political pressure to block a deal that would give a United Arab Emirates-based company management of six major U.S. seaports.

(link) [CNN]

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