Mon, 28 Jul 2003

Political Dynamics

Ya know, I try to avoid political commentary here like the plague - I'm no "pundit", and have no intention of trying to imitate one. Nonetheless, I do pay attention to matters political, and feel that there are some trends so startling that I have to say something.

And this piece from Moore's Lore really illustrates it.

Left and Right are both beginning to be driven by a dynamic that we've not seen in the United States for a hundred years: it's a people dynamic, a real grassroots movement. There is a great deal of promise here, but a good deal of danger as well. As the rhetoric generating engine gets more diffused, it becomes more likely to exhibit "loose cannon syndrome" - and consequently more likely to merely inflame passions rather than attempt to solve problems or contribute to rational discourse.

To some extent, obviously, public participation in a republic is vital. But one should, in my no so humble opinion, always bear in mind the wrods of Winston Churchill - "Democracy is a terrible form of government. It's just that the other's are so much worse."

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