Fri, 13 May 2005

Operation Overreach

I've maintained for a while now that there's nothing "conservative" about the modern (post 1994) Republican Party: they've just got a different, and, in my not so humble opinion, far more dangerous, "reform" agenda. And this piece goes to some length to bemoan that fact: could this be the death knell of the "emerging conservative majority"?

Conservative reform, in fact, turns out to be a lot like liberal reform. Each involves a whirlwind of government activity. Each is a formula for politics without end--splendid indeed for politicians and government employees, but a bit tiring for the rest of us. Who can blame the public for beginning to show its weariness? The fatigue came to a head in the Schiavo case, and the president's poll numbers have yet to recover.

(link) [The Weekly Standard]

via Overlawyered

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