Fri, 09 Dec 2005

Hospitals may ban treatment for smokers and drinkers

In the UK, of all places! I would've expected New York... but seriously, what's (or who's) next? Ride a Harley? Why should we bother fixing you up after that wreck, when you'll just go biking again? Skydive? Forget putting you back together! Eighty-five? Well, you're too old to waste our precious medical resources! Off with you!

Smokers, drinkers and the seriously overweight may be denied medical treatment if their lifestyle makes it ineffective, the Government’s treatment watchdog said yesterday.

(link) [Times Online]

via Secular Blasphemy

/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 12/13/2005 09:14:25
Arwin wrote

Houston we have a problem


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