Why? To protect "youth" from second hand smoke, of course. Never mind that said "youth" is of legal age, and that the products banned include chaw - how big a danger is second hand spit?
Eventually, we'll have outright tobacco prohibition - and the consequent "War on Smoking", asset forfeiture, no knock raids, "Virginia drug cartels" and all new, bloated state and Federal bureaucracies to oversee the combat.
Paying for it? Oh, we'll take away all the tax revenue now generated by tobacco products and replace it with new taxes to build the new prisons to hold the new addicts and pushers we'll be at war with.
Maybe someday we'll catch on to these nannies real game of control and subjugation. Maybe. But this morning I wax pessimistic, and am reminded of H.L. Menken's famous quote that "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.".
The Boston Public Health Commission has just banned the sale of all tobacco products at colleges. Not high schools. Colleges.
(link) [Slate: Human Nature Blog]
via Overlawyered
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