State’s waists wider, lungs blacker

Joe CamelNot only are we getting fatter, we're smoking more! How can this be? I don't get it. From the article:

"The same survey showed that 27.3 percent of Hoosiers said they smoked last year, up from 24.8 percent in 2004."

Maybe we're smoking more because it's mandatory in restaurants. Maybe it's all the "Start Smoking Now" programs we're putting into schools. Or maybe it's all the Joe Camel ads on television ...oh, wait a second! I may be missing something here!

We must be smoking more because of all the stress over daylight savings time.

(Let me sincerely apologize if any of the sarcasm from this post dripped from your screen to your keyboard and gummed things up.)

Long considered among the nation’s most unfit citizens, Indiana residents are apparently losing ground in the battle against obesity, smoking and other unhealthy behavior, according to a new survey.

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via Masson's Blog

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