Gonzales nomination angers abortion foes
Maybe this guy's alright: what the teaser doesn't tell you is that he's got the ACLU a bit "concerned", too.
ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero issued a statement calling for a confirmation process "that scrutinizes Mr. Gonzales' positions on key civil liberties and human rights issues."
As a general rule of thumb, if a person manages to get two opposing sides upset, it means that they tend to think independently and not be swayed into political crowd pleasing. Which is a good quality to have in an Attorney General (or a Supreme Court Justice, for that matter).
On the other hand, Mr. Gonzales is apparently the attorney behind the White House opinion that torture is sometimes OK. If so, well, that may be another matter. The hearings will tell.
An anti-abortion group Thursday accused President Bush of ignoring his anti-abortion principles in nominating White House counsel Alberto Gonzales for the post of attorney general.
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