Flawed research on autism-vaccine link lingers

Scary stuff - but who can blame the folks who believe it? It's not like the government makes a serious habit of telling the truth in research or anything.

But this case is different, because this could pose a serious risk to all of society. I think I can speak freely here, because I'm both a victim of the last great measles epidemic in this country (1962-63) which cost me my teeth, and the grandfather of an autistic child. My 3 kids were all vaccinated, and so are my six grandchildren. And frankly, even if this wacko's research had a kernel of truth to it, which I don't believe it does, it would be worth the risk. If we lose our herd immunity to MMR and other diseases, it could literally kill most of the human race. Including my kids and grandkids.

Germs play a numbers game, and we'd better be playing it, too. Or we're screwed.

At least once a week, Dr. Joanne Langley or one of her colleagues in a Halifax pediatrics clinic carves 90 minutes or so out of a crammed schedule to try to persuade yet another set of anxious parents to vaccinate their baby against diseases that regularly used to sicken, maim and kill.

(link) [CTV.ca]

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