Sat, 19 Mar 2005

Jessica's remains found

You know where the ultimate blame for this travesty lies?

Couey has a criminal record spanning more than three decades and 24 arrests. Interviews with Couey began Thursday in Georgia, when authorities spoke with him for almost four hours, and resumed early Friday. He had been arrested on probation violation charges.

So why wasn't he still prison? It's not like Florida lacked the necessary provisions in law to put him away.

It's because we don't have room in our prisons for his ilk: they're filled to overflowing with other offenders, which we, as a society, apparently consider more serious.

And until and unless we curtail the insane "War on Drugs", men like Mr. Couey will continue to walk our streets and prey on our children.

Law enforcement officials told CNN Saturday that the remains of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford have been found.

(link) [CNN]

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