Tue, 09 May 2006

'Happy Hour' Ends at Indy 500 Practice

It seems strange to post a sports story in the 'Politics' category, but here's an effect of Indiana going on DST I'll bet nobody in the Governor's office thought of before they pushed it so hard ... not to suggest that our politicians think much before pushing anything.

Racing is huge here, not just in tourism, but also as a native industry. And if DST slows down the speeds for the races, well, that's one more strike against it in the minds of Hoosiers.

AP - Goodbye, Happy Hour. Normally, the final hour of Indianapolis 500 practice each day is the busiest time on the track. With the sun beginning to fall behind the towering grandstands along the front straightaway, the track cooled slightly — and produced significantly faster speeds.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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