Thu, 14 Sep 2006

Youth can't do without phones, alcohol, drugs

Note what's classified as a drug. While technically correct, this use of the term implies equivalence, and gets you used to thinking that "cigarettes = pot = heroin". Tobacco is well on it's way to Schedule A.

But I seriously doubt that cell phones will be joining it anytime soon, no matter how "addictive" they really can be.

Three studies published today show that young people seem to be drinking too much, smoking tobacco and using mobile phones a great deal. Obviously they can only afford to do this thanks to the fact that all their music is stolen these days.

(link) [The Register]

/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 9/14/2006 16:23:29
Adam Thada wrote

On 9/15/2006 00:06:27
SB wrote


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