Sat, 18 Aug 2007

Thompson: Roe 'bad law and bad medicine'

This fellow's one of the more dangerous Republican demagogues running this year - somebody needs to remind him that we've had this debate before, and it's outcome was enshrined as the full faith and credit clause in the Constitution itself. Without this Constitutional clause we'd be an aggregate of squabbling states, not a federal republic. Debates over this framed the Civil War, when the South (Constitutionally correctly, incidentally) insisted on the return of runaway slaves over the objections of the Northern states - it was resolved by the fourteenth amendment, not by the removal of the full faith and credit clause.

And that's good enough from my standpoint.

Likely Republican White House hopeful Fred Thompson told CNN Friday that he would work to overturn Roe v. Wade if elected president, and would push for a constitutional amendment that protects states from being forced to honor gay marriages performed in other states.

(link) [CNN]

/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 8/20/2007 11:06:19
Arwin wrote

On 8/20/2007 11:08:07
Arwin wrote

And this guy isn't


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