Wed, 15 Jun 2005

Senators Consider Boosting Retirement Age

Well, I suppose it's fine for a Senator to work until age 69 before being allowed to retire. It's probably OK for anybody who sits on their fat ass and "thinks" for a living. But for the rest of us, well... I cannot imagine my father-in-law pouring concrete until was 69 (last year). He barely made it until he was 62. Do you really want a 68 year old trucker with arthritis and a heart condition trying to maneuver that big rig down the interstate at 70 miles an hour?

On a certain level, this proposal highlights one of the biggest problems we face: we are represented by professional representers, lawyers for the most part, most of whom have never done an honest days physical work in their lives. I got a real kick out of recent news reports about Bill Clinton getting exhausted while traveling and touring areas hit by last years tsunami ... try tossing three or four hundred bales of hay up into the how mow, Bill, if you want to find out about real exhaustion. And oh, by the way, keep doing it until you're 70 ...

AP - Work till you're 69 before getting full Social Security benefits?

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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