Thu, 24 Dec 2009

Senate passes health care reform bill

Charles Johnson over at The Freeman sums this travesty up nicely:

What we have had is a system where pervasive government regulation, subsidy, and mandated captive markets corral workers into an industry driven by sky-high costs, managed by bureaucratic pencil-pushing and corporate economizing (often at the expense of innocent people’s health or lives), and owned by a handful of uncompetitive, well-entrenched incumbent corporations. No mainstream “reform” proposal will change anything about that. The proposals mainly concerned themselves with introducing new government subsidies and new captive-market mandates to force yet more workers and money into the broken system.

The Senate passed an $871 billion health care reform plan this morning, giving President Obama a victory on his top domestic priority.

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/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 12/26/2009 15:09:04
Walter Jeffries wrote

On 12/26/2009 17:15:29
Dave H wrote


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