Blog Limits New Ron Paul Supporters
These people better watch out, or they just might convince backers of Dr. Paul that they are not, in fact, Republicans. In which case they probably won't vote Republican. And the purpose of any political party in a democracy is, after all, to garner votes, isn't it?
By these peoples standards Robert A Taft wasn't a Republican, either, and Barry Goldwater's disaffection with the Religious Right would've made him suspect as well.
I especially liked Brad Spangler's comment on the situation:
As a revolutionary anarchist, it is not without a sense of irony that I note that todays Republican Party best serves my ends of permanently discrediting all governments everywhere. Only Ron Paul stands in my way. Thanks, RedState!
I guess he originally posted it to the ResState site, and it was taken down almost immediately. Go figure. They probably thought he was shilling for Paul.
Idiots. says newcomers to the site cannot supporters of the internet's favorite candidate, claiming rabid Ron Paul fans aren't real Republicans.
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On 10/25/2007 12:51:09
disinter wrote