Fri, 06 May 2005

Real ID Act edges closer to passage

Well, my last post on this topic drew a tremendous number of writebacks and comments, so I figured I'd better pass on the bad news here: Real ID has passed out of the House, and is headed towards almost certain Senate approval. The actual law was buried in a military appropriations package that many legislators found it impossible to oppose.

Here's a good FAQ about what this will most likely mean in practice. I just wonder how we're going to manage to pay for all of this "reform" and "security". And I wonder how many folks are going to have trouble coming up with the appropriate forms of acceptable ID just to get a driver's license.

But possibly the most interesting angle is the what's going to happen when the Christian Right, which forms a large part of the Republican political base, gets a hold of this. A taste of political battle to come may be found here. - State governments nationwide have tried to make it more convenient for drivers to get licenses at local DMV offices. Now, officials are concerned that a move by Congress to discourage illegal immigration could lead to long waits and a confusing process to get an official state ID.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 5/7/2005 19:03:26
Starlight Bunnybutt wrote

On 5/7/2005 23:26:01
Dave H wrote

Good questions...


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