RIM Accuses Motorola of Blocking Job Offers

Hubris? Chutzpah? "Robber barons" riding again? If anyone wonders about the rationale for unions, here you have it, plain and simple, and in the first decade of the 21st Century, not the last decade of the 19th...

Taking a page from the insanely-jealous-husband-playbook, Motorola management has adopted an if-I-can't-have-you-nobody-can stance on its fired employees, reportedly blocking RIM from offering jobs to laid-off workers. In a complaint filed in state court, Motorola is charged with improperly trying to expand a previous agreement 'to prevent the RIM entities from hiring any Motorola employees, including the thousands of employees Motorola has already fired or will fire.' Through its Compete America membership, Motorola has repeatedly warned Congress that failing to accommodate the lobbying group members' 'principled' demand for timely access to talent would not be in the United States' economic interest and would make the U.S. second-rate in education and basic research.

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