Sun, 22 Mar 2009

Obama rebukes Cheney insight on '60 Minutes'

The juicy nugget here, talking about the Congressional move underway to tax the bonuses given by AIG:

"As a general proposition, you don't want to be passing laws that are just targeting a handful of individuals," Obama said. "You want to pass laws that have some broad applicability ... you certainly don't want to use the tax code to punish people."

Really, Mr. President? How about smokers? Is it OK to punish them with excessive taxes? You seemed to think so when you pushed through the most recent tax hike on cigarettes to fund your SCHP program. But now you don't want to use the tax code to punish folks who wrecked the economy and are passing out my tax dollars as bonuses to their employees? Gag me.

The tax code is used as a bludgeon all the time - both to punish and to reward. So stop feigning outrage, cut the bullshit, and admit that you're as much in the pocket of corporate interests as our last chief executive.

President Obama said in an interview aired Sunday that the hardest decision he's made since taking office was to send more troops to Afghanistan.

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