No U.S. Prostitution Charges Against Spitzer

Dare I ask if he would've been prosecuted if he'd have been an average Joe (or John)? Are charges for this "crime" going to be pressed on the prostitute herself?

Or is crime and punishment in this country meted out not on the basis of fact or even justice, but on the basis of who you are and who you know?

I think I already know the answer to that. While I am in no way eager to see victimless "crimes" prosecuted, my sense of justice is outraged by the uneven application of rules and laws, which seem to only exist to keep the little people in their proper places.

Spitzer is one of those who made the law - he, of all people, should be forced to face their complete consequences.

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer will not face charges for patronizing a prostitution ring, federal prosecutors said.

(link) [New York Times]

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