Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Hypocrisy on stilts
Quite a screed from a man not normally labeled 'liberal' - although I'm sure that once the administration gets a hold of it Mr. Zuckerman will find himself right up there with Lenin and Mao.
The Republicans were once fond of the phrase "tax and spend liberals". Which I suppose makes them "don't tax and spend anyway conservatives". In any event, we're slowly drifting towards national bankruptcy.
The American public, not to speak of its elected officials, has been stunningly indifferent to our reckless fiscal course of the past five years. Maybe it's because our focus has been so much on terrorism, but the numbers are terrifying, too. President Bush inherited a budget surplus estimated at $5.6 trillion over 10 years. He has converted that giant plus into a giant minus--deficits estimated at $5 trillion over those same 10 years. Talk about a U-turn!
(link) [U.S. News & World Report]/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link
On 5/30/2006 10:07:56
Arwin wrote
How about...
On 5/31/2006 05:31:43
Bjorngrimnir wrote