Why do we wonder at the pathetic excuse for education that our children are getting in our public schools?
Two tales are linked below, both from morons.org. My aggregator caught them both from other sources, but "Morons in the News" was just too good to pass by as a headline, especially for stories like these.
(Note: you may have to futz a bit with the links to get them to work, or go to the main site first.)
Parents Protest Operatic "Devil-Worship"
Tresa Waggoner, an elementary school music teacher in Bennett, Colorado, is a Christian, a gospel recording artist and a church choir director. She believes that teaching "is what God put me on this earth to do." She is also, according to some Bennett parents, a devil worshiper promoting homosexuality to her young (first-, second-, and third-grade) students.
Drama Teacher Resigns; Classic Plays Too Much for Small Town
A drama teacher has offended some Christians' delicate sensibilities and has decided to resign rather than be forced out. To call Fulton, Missouri regressive might be the understatement of the century. Or more correctly, it might be the understatement of several centuries. Even the radical mores of the 16th century are too much.
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