Sun, 03 Sep 2006

Khatami condemns US policy

WTF? I thought Bush was loudly proclaiming that our enemy was Islamo-fascism. So what is the State department doing granting an unrestricted visitors visa to the former head of a nation with which we have no diplomatic relations, and which is arguably a genuine Islamo-fascist state?

When we had a vague inkling that Saddam might possibly still have a few old chemical or biological WMD's, we beat the drums of war loudly and rapidly. We know for a fact that the Iranians are pursuing a nuclear weapon, and yet the same government that was so anxious to effect "regime change" in Iraq is moving at a snails pace against Tehran.

Methinks that there's more going on here than meets the eye or we are governed by incompetent idiots, take your pick. And I sincerely hope it's the former, because we've still got over two years of this Administration left to run.

Ex-Iranian President Mohammad Khatami savages US foreign policy at a gathering of Muslims in Chicago.

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

/Politics | 4 writebacks | permanent link

On 9/3/2006 19:45:09
Thud wrote

On 9/3/2006 20:18:43
Dave H wrote


On 9/3/2006 20:52:24
Thud wrote

On 9/3/2006 22:10:29
Dave H wrote

I'll stick to it


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