Judge Orders N.F.L. to Permit Young Athletes to Enter Draft

Some folks might find this just terrible, and I'm sure you'll hear much whining and gnashing of teeth in the next few weeks over it. But ya know, this is a good thing.

My kids, not having been born with exceptional physical gifts, have had to struggle to get a college education. Work, loans, grants - we've been there. And it's just galled me for years to see morons whose only qualification for college happens to be a muscular build get a free ride thru a top school, usually graduating (if they manage to graduate at all) with a degree in something akin to advanced basket weaving.

I for one am sick of having my tax dollars fund the farm team system for the NBA and the NFL. Let the pros pay'em to play right out of high school, and give the freed up scholarship money to some deserving scholar.

The ruling opened the way for Maurice Clarett, the suspended Ohio State running back, to be eligible for the draft this year.

(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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