Sat, 06 Nov 2004

How organized religion, not net religion, won it for Bush

An interesting post mortem:

Even if Jesus set up a blogging cafe in the center of Rockport, Texas and extolled the virtues of a woman's right to choose while snapping pictures of gay weddings with his Nokia, it would have made no difference to this election. All of the bloggers would have told themselves about the miracle, while Bobby and Bobby Sue went right along with their business.

All politics is local, and local means "boots on the ground", not banners in cyberspace, Joe Trippi notwithstanding. Neighbors, yard signs and bumper stcikers influenced the election more than blogging, text messaging and RSS aggregation.

Election 2004 Technophobes and luddites won the election for George W Bush in 2004, not technology-toting bloggers, by turning out the vote.

(link) [The Register]

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