Thu, 23 Sep 2004

House Blocks Court on Pledge Case Rulings (AP)

These people are bound and determined to eviserate the Constitution: what good is the system of checks and balances that our Founding Fathers so wisely implemented if one branch can limit the authority or jurisdiction of another? If this is allowed it will open a Pandora's Box of problems.

Had this kind of "advanced" legal thinking been in place in the 1960's, there would have been nothing to stop Congress from limiting the authority of the Federal Courts in the area of racial discrimination: "Jim Crow" would've been protected from judical review. Is this what the Founders had in mind? I don't think so - going all the way back to the first test of the courts in Marbury vs. Madison, it has been an established principle of American political life that the courts determine if a given law passes Constitutional muster.

The Republicans (and other so-called "cultural conservatives", even though there's nothing about our culture they seem to want to conserve) are selling our birthright of freedom for a short lived political advantage.

AP - The House passed legislation Thursday that would prevent the Supreme Court from ruling on whether the words "under God" should be stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance.

(link) [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

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