Fri, 28 Jan 2005

Great idea: No taxes for anybody!

I did the farm's financials for 2004 today, getting ready for tax time. Got an appointment with the CPA next week. And I'm already wondering where we're going to come up with the money we're going to owe come the Ides of April.

And then I ran across this gem.

I sometimes watch folks in line at the grocery store buy several small items with WIC coupons or food stamps, and then take the change and buy cigarettes or beer. And I get outraged at it - they're cheating. "Cadillac welfare mothers" have a reputation as sleazy scumbags at best and borderline criminals at worst, and are generally regarded (rightly or wrongly) as the sort of people you'd expect to cheat and steal. And the folks running large and successful corporations are supposed to be honest, upright and productive citizens: regular pillars of the community.

Somewhere, somewhow, I think I got my stereotypes switched.

"Outrage" doesn't begin to describe how I feel about these thieves.

Eighteen companies -- including Silicon Valley stalwarts Intel, Cypress Semiconductor and Hewlett-Packard -- on Tuesday were granted $80.9 million in refunds for years in which they paid almost no California income tax.

(link) [San Jose Mercury News]

via CNET

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