Foley alleges clergyman abused him as teen

Given my religious predilections, you can imagine the rather low opinion I have of the whole Catholic priest - alter boy scandals of recent years. In fact, I couldn't think of anything remotely more despicable than a priest molesting a child. Until I read this.

Think about what this bonehead is really saying here: "It's not my fault! Father Blowhard made me do the nasty 40 years ago, so now I have to do the same thing! It's the only way I know to have sex! It made me gay!".

In one fell swoop, he's laid the blame at the door of a large, amorphous institution (the church), implied that all the victims of sexual abuse by priests are nascent molesters themselves, and also managed to insult gays by implying that they're "caused" by abuse and thus probably abusers themselves!

Out of one side of his mouth comes the words "I accept full responsibility..." and a resignation letter from Congress. Out of the other side comes this shameless dodge of any personal responsibility and insult to countless thousands of innocent people, many of them victims of sexual abuse.

If Mr. Foley escapes jail for this series of lewd solicitations of children I will lose all faith in our system of justice, for it will be obvious that there is no justice - as long as you've been elected to Congress.

Former Rep. Mark Foley was molested as a teen by a clergyman, his attorney says. David Roth added the admission was made as part of Foley's recovery program at a treatment center. The growing scandal erupted Friday when Foley quit amid questions over e-mails allegedly sent to a former page.

(link) [CNN]

Update:Fox News has magically transformed Foley into a Democrat! Go figure ...

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