Evangelicals energized by McCain-Palin ticket
Ya know, as a left libertarian anarchist type, I'm not much into voting. Generally, I see it as only adding legitimacy to the oppressive system of State control we labor under. And, generally, I think I'm right.
This year I may be wrong.
McCain is 72, and has had several bouts with cancer.
The longest stint of executive experience on his veep's resume is as the part time mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Of course, ethically, it seems as though she'd fit right in with the current administration.
But beyond all this are her Christian Dominionist roots.
Given her extreme Christian views, having this woman a heartbeat away from the Presidency could be a ticket to a literal nuclear Armageddon. And I fear that religious liberty (especially for Heathens like me) would be a moot point long before the bombs started flying.
So I probably will vote this year - and not for a pseudo-libertarian. I'll hold my nose and vote for Obama and his unrepentant drug warrior running mate, on the theory that nobody will be around to fight the Drug War if we're all reduced to glowing chunks of cesium 137 ...
AP - Sarah Palin already has energized conservative religious leaders who had fretted that John McCain would pick an abortion rights supporter as his running mate. The Alaska governor was raised in a Pentecostal church and has called herself "as pro-life as any candidate can be."
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