Thu, 24 May 2007

Dead pitcher's dad sues stalled driver

Talk about chutzph:

Authorities said the 29-year pitcher had a blood content of nearly twice the legal limit for alcohol in his system when he crashed into the back of the tow truck. He was also speeding, using a cell phone and wasn't wearing a seat belt, Police Chief Joe Mokwa said after the accident. Marijuana also was found in the SUV.

Proof positive that we are indeed, overlawyered.

The father of Josh Hancock filed suit Thursday, claiming a restaurant provided drinks to the St. Louis Cardinals relief pitcher even though he was intoxicated prior to the crash that killed him.

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/Politics | 4 writebacks | permanent link

On 5/25/2007 08:26:28
Mark wrote

On 5/25/2007 08:28:31
Dave H wrote

Why not

On 5/25/2007 09:09:14
Arwin wrote

Over lawyered or...

On 5/25/2007 12:40:48
Dave H wrote

Odd coincidence


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