Thu, 14 Sep 2006

Cuba slams 'morally decadent' US

Whoa! Excuse me? When the Pope made similar hypocritical comments the other day, it was noted here, so I can't let this go by without comment.

Here's the "President" (for life) of a country that routinely jails and tortures and sometimes kills dissidents, is "legally" a one party state jail and that hasn't had anything even resembling free and fair elections in nearly 70 years. And he's calling the US "morally decadent".

I guess "moral decadence" must be pretty attractive, because so many of his citizens would like to give it a whirl! And many of them die trying...

Now, of course I'm not saying that we're perfect, not by any means. But let's keep a sense of perspective here - not even the nasty, obnoxious and Constitution-gutting Bush Administration has started snatching people off the street in the middle of the night and executing them. Nor has any American government run the country as the personal fief of the Leader. When we do those things, if we do those things, we can be "castro-gated" as "morally decadent". Until then, Fidel, I suggest that you remove that log that's sticking out of your head before pointing out the splinters in our eye...

Cuba's vice-president calls the US a "morally decadent empire" at the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Havana.

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

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