Sat, 07 Feb 2004

Conservatives Use Gay Union as Rallying Cry

You know, America now has troops deployed to two active combat zones, and is battling another slippery opponent in the war on terrorism. The economy is in the midst of a jobless recovery, the deficeit is soaring and the dollar is sinking.

And these idiots are worried about the collaspe of Western civilization from two guys or two girls saying "I do." And they want a cconstitutional amendment to prevent that from happening.

What happened to conservative concerns about the Federal Government running every little detail of peoples lives? What happened to their support for the notion that this is a Federal system of 50 soverign States?

I smell politics afoot. I sense a great urge for a distraction from the real and pressing issues we face in the first decade of the 21st century. I think someone needs a priority adjustment.

Christian conservative leaders say the campaign for an amendment blocking gay marriage is helping revitalize their movement.

(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

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