California Targets Carbon in Fuel
Do you think someone should tell California that any organic fuel is carbon: it's the carbon that burns? Even in ethanol? Naw .... pointless.
The only energy sources that I can think of that don't directly burn carbon are nukes and fuel cells - and unless the electricity that drives the fuel cell comes from a nuclear plant even they burn carbon indirectly.
I once heard "technocracy" defined as what happens when technicians and engineers run the political process. Expanding that, I'm offering a new definition. "Idiocy" is what happens when politicians and lawyers run the political process.
The state's new fuel standard is designed to cut pollution that causes climate change. Plus: States call for federal ethanol push.
(link) [Wired News: Top Stories]
/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link
On 1/11/2007 09:57:56
Bernulf wrote