Wed, 28 Jun 2006

Bush ignores laws he inks, vexing Congress

I've never understood how the President thinks he can do this: the Executive is not the arbiter of legality, that's why we have the Judiciary. This President's use of these documents disturbs me even more than previous abuses, because this President has demonstrated that he believes the Executive can make law as well.

Given this, I wonder what purpose he thinks the Congress and the Courts serve? Are they to be naught but rubber stamps for his executive power? There are other places where this is the prevailing doctrine of government...

AP - Sen. John McCain thought he had a deal when President Bush, faced with a veto-proof margin in Congress, agreed to sign a bill banning the torture of detainees. Not quite. While Bush signed the new law, he also quietly approved another document: a signing statement reserving his right to ignore the law. McCain was furious, and so were other lawmakers.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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