Sun, 19 Sep 2004

Bush's Cut-and-Spend Plan Is Math-Challenged (Los Angeles Times)

and so is Kerry's. The difference is that Kerry make no pretense of having his cake and eating it, too. Bush just promises people whatever he thinks it'll take to get elected.

Tax cuts are great - even if the Bush plan didn't help me personally. But government deficits are worse - they continually grow the national debt, and the interest thereupon, rather than retiring it.

In times of war, it's often necessary to raise taxes to pay for the additional expenditures. It was done in the Civil War and in both World Wars. Truman did it to help pay for the Korean conflict, and even LBJ put a surtax in place to keep Vietnam from completely running amok in the budget. Bush, however, is politically unable to take such a position. Take a look for yourself at what happened to the Federal budget on the watch of this "compassionate conservative".

Los Angeles Times - WASHINGTON — To hear President Bush talk about his plans for a second term, voters might think that the era of big government spending is back.

(link) [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

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