Bush Blames 'Junk Lawsuits' for Job Woes (AP)

My distaste for trial lawyers has been well documented here, but to place the blame on them for the decline of the American economy in recent years is a ludicrous exaggeration that even a well known hyperbole expert such as myself would have a hard time making with a straight face. Apparently, our President has no such qualms... Kerry (and most ecoonomists) are correct in pointing out that it's changes to Federal tax policy that have suddenly made outsourcing a more viable option for white collar jobs.

But there's a another interesting factoid buried in here:

When Kerry claims that the nation has lost 1.6 million private sector jobs during the Bush administration, he does not include government jobs. Nonfarm payrolls are down 913,000 since Bush took office when growth in federal, state and local government jobs is included in the total.

Read carefully between the lines here: Bush, the limited government conservative candidate, has presided over the addition of nearly a million government jobs. Not to mention the soaring deficit.

What's wrong with this picture?

AP - President Bush and rival John Kerry on Tuesday offered different ways to boost the sluggish job market, the president calling for legal reforms to help workers and businesses while his Democratic opponent proposed ending tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas.

(link) [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

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