Sun, 20 Aug 2006

Bill targets state food label warnings

The label law in California is draconian to the point of absurdity - this tiff over vinegar illustrates it perfectly. But ... (you knew that was coming, right?)

As far as the Constitution of the United States is concerned, California has a perfect right to set whatever labeling standards for products sold within it's borders that it so chooses. The place to challenge and defeat this bit of nonsense is Sacramento, not Washington. The Federal government already controls all labels on products sold interstate - this is simply an extension of that power to the state level.

Of course, I suppose that in a world where the law can be stretched to the point where growing tomatoes in your back yard for your own use is "interstate commerce", anything goes.

AP - California importer Frank Lettieri is being sued for not warning his customers that his balsamic vinegar contains lead. True enough, he says. But you would have to drink more than a pint of the vinegar every day to reach the government limit for safe exposure to lead. Most people just sprinkle a few drops onto salads or bread.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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