A Megachurch's Leader Says Microsoft Is No Match
I seriously doubt that this is true: if a boycott of M$ were organized by evangelicals, exactly what would be their alternative? Apple? - the heart of gay liberation. Linux? That communist, open source stuff?
Methinks Rev. Hutcherson is blowing some wishful smoke here - Microsoft has it's own agenda, and they most likely backed off on this issue to garner more support on another.
But the end result could be interesting indeed. Now that "Hutch" has called them out publicly, Microsoft may have no choice but to resume their support for the bill in question, or appear to be at the mercy of wackos. It's like negotiating with kidnappers or terrorists: give in once and you've shown that you're an easy target. The last thing M$ wants is a parade of crusaders marching on Redmond making demands "or else ...".
Ken Hutcherson claims to be the person who forced Microsoft to withdraw its support of a gay rights bill before the Washington State Legislature.
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