Sat, 26 Jan 2008

Yet More SPAM from the Insane Asylum

Once more the efficacy of my SPAM blockers has been called into question, and I have received SPAM From the Insane Asylum. This one did have a dead link somewhere it in - not reproduced here, but otherwise no sales pitch.

At 7am, this was nearly enough to short circuit my brain.


Of course, is that his is that pure felicity of it was not for fame, nor for wealth, nor from handed the two dollar note and the three ones by means of that tree, a hundred and five of them pacify thyself. having said this, o lord of men, nearly human. Through the underbrush the trunk tell him that aswatthaman has been slain in battle form. The evidence should be whether the defendant fire (called bhrig) and hence he came to be called friend who is of a righteous disposition, when.

/Humor | 0 writebacks | permanent link


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